Tagged: new women new yorkers

Inspiring Conversation: Real People. Real Lives. Women Immigrants of NYC

Our podcast series of interviews with a diverse group of immigrant women living in NYC has come to an end. A month ago, we came together to discuss some of the common themes and topics that came up. On Sunday, March 7, New Women New Yorkers held an online conversation with the women featured in our podcast series titled Real People. Real Lives. Women Immigrants of New York. The series introduces a diverse group of immigrant women living in NYC....

How to get involved with New Women New Yorkers in 2017

If you’ve ever considered volunteering for an organization you care about, there’s no better time than right now. New Women New Yorkers has a number of great ways to volunteer your time and your skills in the coming year. From joining the team as a regular volunteer to sharing your shutterbug talents, here are five ways to get involved: . First and second generation immigrants: share your favorite recipe for our cookbook — it could be featured on our blog! Make a 2-minute...

NWNY Volunteer Profiles: Ludmila Leiva, 26, Blog Editor

  New Women New Yorkers is run by a staff of volunteers. Some work on outreach initiatives to spread the word about the organization’s mission, while others work on the blog team or facilitate events and workshops — among a variety of other jobs. We want to introduce you to each of our fantastic volunteers, one by one. Ludmila Leiva, a 26-year-old writer, editor, and illustrator based in Brooklyn, has been volunteering with NWNY since the end of 2015. She...

Learning the Ins and Outs of Credit with NWNY

  On January 28, 10 young immigrant women, including several graduates of New Women New Yorker’s LEAD program (a free eight-week workforce development program), joined NWNY director Arielle Kandel at the NYPL Chatham Square library for the organization’s fifth Meetup. Each of the women attending got a crash course in how to start building credit and keep a handle on her credit score. While it may not be a glamorous topic, it’s a necessary education for anyone who plans to...