Tagged: migration

The power of food in refugee integration

Written by Khatia Mikadze Across all cultures, food is about sharing, community, and hospitality; it is an international language that is not spoken, but rather tasted and felt. It’s not hard to understand how food can be used as a tool to help to build relationships around the world — in New York alone you can’t even walk down the street without passing restaurants serving food from countries like Cuba, Thailand, Brazil, France, Morocco and the Middle East. Food is...

International law on the rights and protection of migrants

Written by Sabrina Axster International migration has increased significantly over the past decades. More than 60 million people were displaced from their homes in 2015 — the highest number since World War II. And the latest estimates for the total number of international migrants worldwide say that it is at a total of 232 million or 3.2 percent of the global population. The movement of people across borders is by far one of the most international issues there is, and...