Tagged: deportation

Deportations are ripping families apart

Written by Sabrina Axster Deportations are a divisive issue — especially now. The Obama administration has initiated the largest numbers of deportations yet, and despite the common idea that violent criminal undocumented migrants are those most often deported, reality paints a different picture. Closer analysis reveals that deportations affect immigrants of all stripes, often with serious consequences for their families. Here, we’ll look at a few core issues surrounding deportations, including who is most often deported and why, the consequences...

May 2014 Immigration News At a Glance

Written by Arielle Kandel   This month we’ll focus on two topics, immigration reform and undocumented immigrants, which have remained in the headlines of several leading national and other newspapers. The last section of our May Immigration News At a Glance will be, like every month, dedicated to providing a brief review of NY immigration news.   Immigration Reform The topic of immigration reform continues to make the headlines, as several newspapers report that we may be approaching the “last...