Real People. Real Lives: Meet Anna, from Russia
To celebrate the one-year anniversary of Real People. Real Lives, a NWNY photo exhibit on immigrant women, we are looking back to some of the participants’ stories. The exhibit featured photographs of 16 women in iconic NYC spots and neighborhoods by Dru Blumensheid. The portraits, along with audio recorded interviews, show a nuanced and multi-layered picture of the immigrant women who make NYC their home, the barriers and isolation they experience, as well the hopes, dreams and talents they bring with them.
This month, meet Anna, from Russia. She came to the US in 2012, after finishing graduate school in Russia. Following a stint in Los Angeles, she finally settled down in NYC attracted to job opportunities in the real state market. Check out below her pictures and full audio interview.
Photograph by Dru Blumensheid Shot in New York, NY, 2017 Photography and sound mixing tracks created for the Real People Real Lives project for the non-profit organization New Women New Yorkers Photograph by Dru Blumensheid Shot in New York, NY, 2017 Photography and sound mixing tracks created for the Real People Real Lives project for the non-profit organization New Women New Yorkers
Dream big! Don’t settle for less. I wish when I came someone told me that!