NWNY July news: Get involved to support immigrant women, latest news, featured blog post

I am very excited to share with you two opportunities to get involved with New Women New Yorkers and support our work with immigrant women:

  • One-time opportunity: We’re looking for professionals from a wide range of industries to volunteer on August 14 at our Job Search Practice & Networking event.
  • Long-term opportunity: We’re seeking new Board Directors to join our Fundraising and Program committees.

See more information below. 

And if you’re unable to get involved this time, keep reading so that you don’t miss our latest news and our blog post of the month.

Thank you and have a great weekend ahead!

Arielle Kandel
New Women New Yorkers

Volunteer for Job Search Practice & Networking @ CSI – August 14, 9:30am-1pm

Participate as a volunteer in an interactive and fun session to provide meaningful information and practice to a group of immigrant women.

You will be matched with several participants to offer them with resume review, pitching and networking practice, job interview practice, and an opportunity to ask you questions about your own career path and experience. Guidelines and information about participants will be shared with you beforehand to help you prepare for the session.

We’re seeking professionals coming from the following industries in particular: banking and finance, communications and marketing, education, engineering and manufacturing, hospitality and tourism, nonprofits, retail and sales, science and technology.

Interested in joining? Fill out our online application form and we’ll get in touch.

Join our Board of Directors

We’re seeking for talented and passionate professionals to join our Board of Directors:

Email your resume alongside a brief cover email to Arielle.

Latest news, in brief

Storytelling: We honored and celebrated Immigrant Heritage Month with over 100 guests at our Summer Art Fest, featuring our exhibit Real People. Real Lives., and a panel of five immigrant women to talk about the immigrant experience, feminism, and art in this political landscape.

Workforce development & networking: We held a mock interview session with 15 employees from Guardian Life, offering a safe, low-pressure space for 10 of our participants to build their interviewing skills and confidence, and get ready for their first, real job interview. We also hosted a roundtable discussion with five immigrant women professionals, sharing with our participants their experience and advice on how to become successful professionals in the US.

Volunteer engagement: We were recognized by NYC Service for “our outstanding efforts to promote volunteerism and engage New Yorkers through service in 2017.”

Fundraising: For the third year in a row, we were awarded a grant by the NYU Community Fund. We also received two new grants this month from Guardian Life and from Jewish Women’s Foundation of New York Isha Koach.

Featured blog post: How to learn English in NYC

By Daria Kurdyukova-Pillot

Moving to another country is a real challenge. Sometimes you don’t even know how to speak the new language, or how to learn it faster. It has happened to me twice in my life. Firstly, I moved from Russia to France, and then to London a few years after that. Now I am living in NYC.

London is a beautiful city with a lot of green parks, different people, traditions, and culture. I liked the city, but I could not communicate well with British people. I barely understood them. I’d had English lessons during my school program in Russia, and of course I knew some grammar and simple words. Unfortunately, that was not enough for me to be able to understand what was being said, and it was even harder for me to speak English.

Read more…



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