Meet Montserrat Vargas, an artist and Real People. Real Lives. subject from Chile


Communities thrive when everyone is equipped with the tools for success. New Women New Yorkers believes in the vast potential that every immigrant woman coming to New York has to contribute to our city, regardless of her national origin, cultural background, or educational level. Donate today to our campaign Support Immigrant Women to Enter the Workforce:


Tell us a little about yourself.

Hi, my name is Montserrat and I’m from Temuco, Chile. I’ve been living in New York for almost seven years.


How did you discover New Women New Yorkers and what made you decide to join?

It was through LinkedIn. I remember that I received a candid invitation from Arielle for the first fundraiser event. The contact continued, and after a few years I received another invitation, and then I became one of the 16 immigrants portrayed by Dru Blumensheid in the exhibition/book Real People. Real Lives.

After that, very organically I changed my career path and I’ve been getting career counseling sessions through NWNY. I discover in each event a welcome smile, a warm hug, and conversations that make me feel that I’m not alone. There is a sense of community that nurtures me and makes me eager, not only for the opportunities NWNY creates for us, but also to give back.


How did your participation in New Women New Yorkers’ community have an impact on your life?

As an artist, I found myself more secure, thanks to exposure to events where I was able to share my work. I got reinforcement, a confirmation that sharing our experience as immigrant women is crucial, not only for the times we live in, but for our own germinating community.

As a woman, I transformed. I’m learning to set boundaries, manage my time, and pursue my work in balance with my values. I’m learning to not take things for granted. I’m learning to feel beautifully strong in my vulnerability. New York doesn’t seem like an easy place to live, especially when you come from a country where the siestas, and having time with friends and family are important.


What was it like adjusting to life in New York? What do you do in your spare time?

To be honest, thanks to NWNY I started to ask myself those questions. For maybe my first five years in the city, I was used to taking any work that could help me live comfortably. Now, I’m carefully considering the next steps of my professional career. I don’t regret anything that I’ve done or all the opportunities that appeared, but the feeling of being adjusted is very recent, while before I was in survival mode. It was also a form of training, where I was trying all the jobs that I could possibly fit into my life. From now on, I want to choose more wisely.

Independent of job selection, I have to say that it takes a few years to receive the fruits of your labor, especially when you move to a place where you don’t have any resources at the beginning. Now, I’m learning to enjoy my spare time. I love to read on the couch at home with my life partner and our dog. A perfect day is when I can see one of my friends for a nice cup of tea with cookies.


What is your favorite dish from your home country?

There are many, but right now it feels like the season of Pastel del Choclo. It’s a dish made of smashed corn with basil, and at the bottom you can find chicken and/or beef, raisins, boiled egg, and salted onions. It usually comes in a bowl and you could even spread a half-spoonful of sugar on the top, right when it comes out of the oven. I saw a video that says that in Chile, it’s the queen of comfort food. I totally agree.


Share 3 words that describe what New Women New Yorkers is to you.

Unconditional, Community, Support


Communities thrive when everyone is equipped with the tools for success. New Women New Yorkers believes in the vast potential that every immigrant woman coming to New York has to contribute to our city, regardless of her national origin, cultural background, or educational level. Donate today to our campaign Support Immigrant Women to Enter the Workforce:


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