LEADing the charge in empowering NYC’s young women immigrants
Written by Abbey Kurtz
New Women New Yorkers (NWNY) is gearing up to run its second installment of the LEAD Program, which provides skills training and leadership development for young, first generation women immigrants ages 16 to 35. Five young women graduated from the previous pilot session in May 2015, and left feeling empowered to plan for the future, and become positive agents of change in their communities.
“I have gained a lot of knowledge and skills from the LEAD program—actually, I have learned more than I expected,” one program participant said of her successful completion of LEAD. “Most importantly, I got a lot of ideas and confidence to pursue my interest and career after meeting with a group of young women leaders and professionals working in different fields. They were very inspiring and motivated me to work harder and believe in myself.”
The program consists of 12 interactive workshops of three hours each, a hands-on project, and a round-table discussion to give participants the opportunity to meet and ask advice from women immigrant leaders and professionals.
Workshops and training sessions are opportunities to build self-confidence, prepare for occupational and educational advancement, and create lasting friendships with fellow participants. Throughout the program, participants will learn how to craft a résumé, network, and learn conflict management techniques—plus get a crash course in public speaking, project design and implementation, and more. Once the program ends, participants are encouraged to stay involved with NWNY and even become mentors to future LEAD participants after graduation.
Interested in signing up? Learn more about the upcoming LEAD Program workshops at one of the following informational sessions:
Dates: July 16, 2015, 4–5:30pm
July 21, 2015, 4–5:30pm
Location: Catholic Charities, 80 Maiden Lane, 13th Floor, New York City
The next installment of the LEAD Program takes place from July to September 2015, in partnership with Catholic Charities Community Services. If you’d like to join, please email Arielle at arielle@nywomenimmigrants.org. We look forward to learning with you!