Author: ariellekandel

How the LEAD program helped Daria Kurdyukova find her confidence in NYC

By Daria Kurdyukova I never wanted to live in the US and I hated the English language, but in Russia we have a proverb: never say never. My husband was offered a job in NYC and told me we had to move. I was a little bit in shock and frustrated. Additionally, I was very scared of flying long distances. Nonetheless, I found myself in the states, and New York City in particular, for the first time in my life in...

From France to England to New York: A passionate actress’ journey to success

By Divya Ramesh   As a child growing up in Strasbourg, France, Elizabeth Maille watched a lot of films. She would memorize her favorite lines and scenes, and often scrunch up her face and say to herself, “I wouldn’t do this scene like this.” Then, the extremely shy girl would run to her room, make sure she was alone, and gleefully act out the same scene to her satisfaction. That is how it all began. Now, that little girl has...

Shop to support NWNY, behind the scenes of Real People. Real Lives. photo project, and other news

Shop for NWNY on Amazon Smile and Kiindly  You can now support New Women New Yorkers through the simple act of shopping! Use Amazon Smile (not regular Amazon) or Kiindly when purchasing items and choose New Women New Yorkers as the nonprofit beneficiary of a percentage of the proceeds. The donation is made at no additional cost to you! Latest news: Immigrant Women Command the Stage and Share Their Lives at “Stories That Move Us” Fundraiser On July 25, 2017, New Women New Yorkers...

Stories That Move Us showcases true-life tales of immigrant women

Written by Daria Kurdyukova “What makes you feel like a New Yorker?” Arielle Kandel, founder and director of New Women New Yorkers, posed this question to a group of young immigrant women sharing their stories at a live event of the nonprofit on July 25 at LMHQ in Lower Manhattan. “I feel like a New Yorker when I see naked artists in Times Square,” said one young woman. “When I rush even if I don’t need to,” said another. “When...