Email Arielle Kandel (CEO) for more information.
Days of service & other employee engagement opportunities
Collaboration with corporations is a core component of our workforce development programming.
We partner with companies in a wide range of industries to offer group practice and networking sessions to our workforce development participants, including mock interview sessions, career advice chats, and panel discussions.
Such sessions provide our participants with further job readiness and networking training and practice, and opportunities to grow their professional network.
Key types of employee engagement sessions include:
Mock interview session
- The session typically features two rounds of mock job interviews, as well as a few ice-breakers and warm-ups. Each employee is paired 1-on-1 with 2 participants.
- Number of participants: 10-20 NWNY participants, 10-20 employees.
- Duration of session: 1-3h
Field visit
- The session typically features a 1-1.5h workshop on a topic related to career development, a discussion in a roundtable format or in small groups, and the visit of the company’s offices.
- Number of participants: Up to 20 NWNY participants, 5-10 employees.
- Duration of session: 1-3h.
Career advice chat
- The session typically features 1-3 rounds of career advice chats, as well as a few ice-breakers and warm-ups. Each employee is paired 1-on-1 with 3 or 4 participants.
- Number of participants: 5-20 LEAD participants, 5-20 employees.
- Duration of session: 1-3h.
Current & past partners: Capital One, Google, Guardian Life, JDC, LinkedIn, QBE North America, The Rockefeller Foundation, and ZS.
Other ways to support us
- Corporate grant or gift to support our programs
- Event sponsorship
- Space & other in-kind donations